Remove Oil Stains on Clothes – Oil-stained clothes can be really annoying because they can be difficult to remove. However, there’s nothing wrong with trying the method below to remove oil stains on clothes.
Actually, how to get rid of oil stains on clothes is not difficult, you know! You can use the cleaning ingredients you have in your kitchen to remove these oil-based oil stains.
Then, how to remove oil stains on clothes?
Come on, find out more by reading the following article!
How to Remove Oil Stains on Shirts
You can use dish soap, baking soda, and other ingredients as a way to remove oil stains from clothes.
Here are the ingredients and steps you can take to remove oil stains on clothes.
1. Dish Soap
The first way to remove oil stains on clothes is to use dish soap.
Although dish soap is generally used to remove stains on dishes, pots, and pans, this soap is also safe to use for washing clothes, Moms.
The materials needed, namely dish soap, towels or cardboard, and a soft cloth.
- Place a towel or cardboard inside the clothes, exactly under the stain
- Then, apply a little dish soap to the oil stain
- Rub the clothes gently with a soft cloth to remove the stains
- Leave the dish soap on the clothes for about 5 minutes
- Wash and dry clothes according to clothing label directions
- Repeat this method if the oil stains have not disappeared
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2. Baking Soda
The next way to remove oil stains on clothes is to use baking soda. Baking soda is one of the natural ingredients that is often proven effective for cleaning stains.
But before that, you need to prepare an old towel or cardboard, baking soda, scraper (anything that is dull and stiff), and hot water.
- Place an old towel or cardboard inside the clothes, at the bottom of the stain
- Sprinkle baking soda over the oil stain
- Let the baking soda sit for about 10 minutes while watching it change color as it absorbs the stain
- Scrape off baking soda
- Wash clothes with hot water
- Repeat steps 2-3 until the baking soda doesn’t change color
- Dry your clothes according to the directions on your clothing label
3. Aloe Vera Gel
How to remove oil stains on clothes is to use aloe vera gel.
Aloe vera gel, which is usually widely used for beauty, can also be used as an oil stain remover, such as oil.
You only need to prepare aloe vera gel and warm water. The method is not difficult either.
- Soak clothes that are stained with oil in hot water
- Rub the aloe vera gel into the oil stains on the clothes in a firm circular motion
- Wash clothes with warm water
- Dry clothes
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4. Baby Powder
You can also use baby powder as a way to get rid of oil stains on clothes, you know! Baby powder will work like baking soda in removing dirt from clothes.
The ingredients that need to be prepared are baby powder and a toothbrush.
- Sprinkle baby powder on the oil stains on clothes
- Let the baby powder sit for about 10 minutes
- Brush baby powder with toothbrush
- If the stain is still visible, sprinkle some more with baby powder and put the clothes in the washing machine in cold water
- Dry according to the label on the clothes
5. Maizena Flour
Who would have thought that cornstarch is also included in other fine powders that can overcome oil stains on clothes.
You only need to prepare cornstarch, toothbrush, wet sponge, or cloth.
- Pour a little cornstarch on the stain
- Allow the cornstarch to harden for at least 15 minutes, preferably up to an hour or so
- Brush the cornstarch using a toothbrush, damp sponge or cloth
- Wash clothes in the washing machine on a cold setting
- Dry the clothes according to the label on the clothes
6. Chalk
Believe it or not, chalk is just as good at absorbing stains as baby powder and baking soda. So, you can also use chalk to remove oil stains from clothes.
Besides chalk, you also need to prepare a clean towel or cloth and warm water.
- Remove oil stains from clothes with a clean towel or cloth that has been soaked in warm water
- Rub all the oil stains on the clothes with chalk and leave for a few minutes for the oil stains to completely absorb
- After the chalk changes color and the stain fades, wash the clothes immediately and dry them
7. Using Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the most effective natural ingredients for removing oil stains, including oil from clothes, because of its acetic acid content which cuts through grease.
Vinegar also helps remove odors that could be left behind from oil stains.
However, you should dilute the vinegar by mixing it with water to protect your clothes from fading or turning white.
- Using equal proportions of vinegar and water, mix in a spray bottle
- Then, spray both sides of the stained garment
- Leave it for 30 to 60 minutes
- Wash clothes and dry
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8. Toothpaste
The next way to remove oil stains on clothes is to use toothpaste. This is a cheap and easy way to do this.
- You can use any toothpaste and apply it to the oil affected area of the clothes
- Use an old toothbrush to scrub oil stains on clothes
- Rinse with water and dry.
Besides being able to be used to remove stains on clothes, toothpaste is also useful as a stain remover on shoes.
9. Shampoo
Another ingredient that can be used to clean oil stains on clothes is shampoo. You just need shampoo and water to remove oil stains on clothes.
- Apply 1 tablespoon of shampoo on the oil stain on the shirt and add 1 tablespoon of water
- Let stand a while, at least 15-30 minutes
- Scrub the stain using your finger, sponge, or brush until it’s completely clean
- Wash clothes and dry
Well, those are some ways to remove oil stains on clothes that you can do. Good luck.